When Destruction Comes Close and Whispers a Warning. . .

Time to Get Your Priorities Straight and Stop Wasting Time on the People Who Can’t Love You — The Narcissist is that Person

Prajinta Pesqueda
8 min readJun 25, 2022


The Phantom Horseman,1870–93 by Sir John Gilbert (d.1897)

It is all around us.

But we do not dare look in its direction for fear it will take us, too.


It may come unexpectedly with a cough and a fever and a positive PCR. It may lurk in the hallway of our schools or workplace or local grocery store or place of worship. It may be ushered in with fire or waves or natural disaster. It may come on the winds of war with bullets and bombs. It may come at the end of a full life or in an instant as we step off a curb or trip on the stairs.

It is always there. Waiting to take us. It will come for all of us in the end.

Poets have pondered it. Emily Dickinson wrote,

“Because I could not stop for Death –

He kindly stopped for me –

The Carriage held but just Ourselves –

And Immortality.”

Playrights and movie directors have explored the subject. In the film/play, Death Takes a Holiday, Death takes a human form and visits Earth to try to find out why humans…



Prajinta Pesqueda

Educator, aspiring humanist, composer of words. Survivor, warrior, healer, believer. Contact me at Narc2Thrive@gmail.com