Sadism is a Component of Narcissistic Personality Disorder

The Covert Narcissist Experiences Pleasure by Punishing Others

Prajinta Pesqueda
7 min readJul 28, 2023


Ahmed M Elpahwee

A sadistic narcissist is described as a person who derives pleasure from causing physical or psychological pain to others. They are often charming and charismatic, which can make them difficult to spot. The word sadistic refers to someone who gets enjoyment out of seeing or causing others to suffer. The sadistic narcissist gets pleasure and narcissistic supply from inflicting psychological and physical pain.

Destroying other people feels good to a person with NPD.

Why Do They Enjoy Hurting People So Much?

There could be several reasons the sadistic narcissist gets such satisfaction from harming others. It is undeniable that there is a connection between a narcissist’s vast envy and the enjoyment they feel when they can put that person in their place and see them suffer. How dare they try to be as amazing, powerful, talented, gorgeous, omnipotent, etc. . . as the narcissist? They feel pleasure in other people’s pain, and if their propensity to be top dog is examined, we see the satisfaction they get from witnessing the subject of their envy suffer and fail. They deserve it and must be put in their place, right?



Prajinta Pesqueda

Educator, aspiring humanist, composer of words. Survivor, warrior, healer, believer. Contact me at