I agree with you that these kinds of labels are not a good thing and that the individual must discover their authentic self apart from what is the politically correct accepted standards of conduct, conservative prescriptions for morality, or other toxic agendas with one major caveat: Do No Harm.
Do not betray the person you promised to love forever. When problems arise, and they always do, you keep your commitment and figure it out together.
We have a responsibility to the ones we profess to love and vow to spend our lives with. All too often, the decision to open a marriage or leave a partner to pursue multiple intimate relationships leaves behind a swath of destruction. When conventional lives are built together and children are casualties, the call of the poly life only creates danger and destruction of unions that should be sustained.
- I see it as a deterioration of moral values and an excuse to be gluttonous, sexually promiscuous, and selfish. Why is one love relationship not enough? To expect more is indicative of a social landscape that is devolving into chaos.