Black or White Thinking

Splitting is part of the reason the brain of the narcissist is a damaged and delusional one

Prajinta Pesqueda
5 min readSep 21, 2024


Narc Art by Ms. Pesqueda

You’re either with us or against us.

Us vs. Them

You’re Part of the Problem or Part of the Solution

(S)he was perfect but now (s)he is pure evil

These extreme statements show an either or way of seeing the world that holds no space for grey or complexity or layers of mixed truths.

It is an immature and irrational way of cataloging each individual into extreme judgements that do not take into account the whole picture.

It is how many people think the extreme right MAGA proud boys represent the whole Republican Party and the extreme left lunatics and nutjobs represent the whole Democratic Party. They do not. Most people would prefer something more toward the center but can’t figure out how to wrestle controll of BOTH partics from their extreme fanatic fringe groups who have hijacked the whole agenda.

With people who are disordered and mentally ill, this divisive extreme blinders on approach to reality is called splitting. It is the consequence of interrupted childhood evelopment when something natuaral and healthy was supposed to happened didn’t and now can’t.



Prajinta Pesqueda

Educator, aspiring humanist, composer of words. Survivor, warrior, healer, believer. Contact me at