All Cluster B disorders are not the same; however, the commonalities
s they share that overlap are things that are problematic and even harmful to the people who attempt to have healthy realtionships with them. For example, they are all externally seeking nourishment or validation in some way instead of supplying for themselves internally. I come from a family with mental health issues and have spent decades with partners who were impaired because I too have my own mental health issues. It is my belief that dark energies, entities, whatever you choose to call these otherworldly malevolent beings, I believe they are drawn to people with mental illness because they are often (not always because there are few absolutes in life) but quite often unable to recognize or protect themselves and are vulnerable to these things becuase they have so many cavernous spaces that are empty within. What a great space for something dark to crawl into. I have witnessed it multiple times with my own eyes and I know what I saw. It was not of this world.
I regret not providing more clarity about the Cluster B.